Pit Bulls; Absolutely Terrifying Dogs

One of Jones’ pit bulls being vicious towards other animals as it smiles in vengeance.

Pit bulls, the highly feared dogs, are overtaking shelters due to their bad rap. Cameron Jones, a long-time pit bull owner, explains just how dangerous the dogs can be.  

“The thing about these pit bulls is that they will try to attack you,” Jones said while warding off the tail-wagging attacker. “I constantly have to fend off their cuddles and kisses. They will also take your children’s hearts. Once they bond with anything, there is no stopping them from becoming loyal and attached,” while warding off the tail-wagging attacker.

While Jones sat and talked, the dogs lolled in the sun and snored menacingly. At first, Jones clad the dogs and it seemed necessary to restrain them, but Jones explained just how fabulous the outfits were.  

“Since their fur is so short, it gets cold for them,” Jones said. “They are high maintenance, especially because of their great fashion sense.”

Jones said the worst part about these annoyingly intelligent dogs is that they constantly make you laugh.

“Pit bulls are just so goofy,” Jones said. “You can’t take them seriously. They also understand your emotions way too much. They just get it and it causes them to be way too clingy. Also, they get along way too well with other animal and become friends with almost any living thing, which causes it to become hard to bring them into public places”