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The Impact of Peer Pressure

The Impact of Peer Pressure

AHS is well aware of the challenges students encounter while navigating their youth, one of the more imminent challenges being peer pressure. Whether it be wanting to seem ‘cool’, a desire to fit in with their friends, or just trying to avoid feeling left out, peer pressure plays a significant role in shaping student conduct, both positively, and negatively.

For many students, peer pressure can happen in the most subtle ways, even happening without noticing it It can be a simple glance at the latest trends, a backhanded or belittling comment on someone’s outfit, or simply hearing about someone skipping class. These are a few simple acts that can influence students to think and act differently because of their peers’ opinions. According to a study from researchers at Harvard, a majority of American teens feel at least one of six types of peer pressure (have a life plan figured out, have high achievements, best appearance, active and visible social life, be available to friends, do good for their community) of peer pressure.

Peer pressure can be positive, but it is more than often associated with harmful behavior. Drugs and stealing are common themes among AHS students.

“Yeah, sometimes my friends will try to persuade me to get drunk with them, even though they know I’ll never cave,” said an AHS student who wishes to be anonymous. “It’s even worse when I’m with a kleptomaniac. Whenever we’re at a store they’ll steal at least one or two things, and sometimes try to get me to do it.”

On the other hand, peer pressure can sometimes be positive. It can encourage healthy habits and even productive behavior. A few students have said their friends motivate them to do better academically, join new sports, and even try different activities, which all can have long-lasting benefits, and spark new interests.

“I didn’t really feel comfortable in cowboy attire, it was never my thing, then my boyfriend kind of convinced me to start wearing it,” Sara Michelin, junior at AHS, said. “Now I embrace it. In the summer it’s how I style myself on my own, without any influence.”

How can we help improve and manage peer pressure throughout school? Simple answer, it’s hard to regulate, it’s a part of life. Students – especially teens – will always be trying to find themselves and their friends, and with that comes peer pressure, trying to find their circle of friends. However, teachers, counselors, and especially parents have a role they must play in educating their high schoolers.

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