Plane tickets are cheaper than ever
Cheap plane tickets making travel easy, fun, and safe-ish.
With Coronavirus cases rising and vaccines being distributed, travel is on everyone’s mind right now. The Snowboarder Scribbler thinks that everyone should book flights now and take advantage of the low priced airfare!
Predictions for the upcoming year
Travel experts predict that the cost of airfare will be lower than ever in 2021 for all those traveling during spring and summer break. Starting in March air travel bookings have surged- and prices of airfare have gone down. Airlines have found it convenient both ways- people get cheap airfare while getting any kind of snacks or food items. Instead of having the options of peanuts and pretzels- all you can get is water. How convenient! All the while professionals and doctors are telling everyone to stay home and still exercise caution while out in public- so seize your moment and travel! The decision is a tough one – you might be risking lives for a little bit of fun, but who wouldn’t want to book cheap flights!
Why is the airfare suddenly cheap?
You would think that financially flourishing airlines would offer higher prices on airfare-like in past years. Airlines such as Delaware, or Uninvited have been forced to increase their routes due to the sudden demand. They want to keep the passengers safe while also getting more people to their destination quicker. To be courteous to travelers they were kind enough to bring the prices down out of kindness and common sense. Uninvited stated in a recent meeting, “why would we want to put ridiculous prices on our airfare? We want everyone to be satisfied and feel good about where they spend their money,” Airlineseven started to give out free iPads for families to keep their children quiet and courteous to other passengers. No more yelling or screaming children on flights!
What to look forward to later in the year?
Airfare will drop over the upcoming months, but what is to be expected later on in the year after summer? As of now, if numbers keep rising the percentage of prices may lower by another 8%. Perhaps they might even give out new iPhones in addition to the iPads! Keep an eye out for flight prices on the lower end. It will only get better as the summer rolls around. As Separated Airlines says, “fly the cheap way- not the expensive way,”

Hannah Popish is a senior at Aspen High school. She is the design editor, and this is her third year with the Skier Scribbler. In her free time, Hannah...