Seniors drop out of school during first semester
ALS senior is stressed after failing finals.
SATIRE — The class of ‘22 are tired of school. Following the 2020/21 school year, the seniors came back completely lost, and seemingly went into the 2021-22 school year knowing nothing mostly because of online schooling and not putting enough effort to even care.
According to useless statistics, 87% of AHS seniors cheated through the entire year of 2020-2021 during online school. More than half of the seniors during the first semester final got below 60% in every class.
Because of this, Domer Smithy, a senior at AHS, started a protest against the school. Smithy scored 37% in Pre Algebra, 20% in SAC, 15% in Culinary Arts, and his highest grade was 43% in Yoga. Domer Smithy was insanely mad that he failed almost all of his finals. He did find that over a year-long COVID school year he became a couch potato and Smithy knew that the AHS staff and teachers didn’t understand.
“I couldn’t believe the outcome of this year’s finals, in all honesty I expected it, but I also knew many of my fellow students also failed, so started a process against school because CHEL and couches are 4 LIFE,” Smithy states. Chel is a video game the Domer absolutely adores.
Domer Smithy believes it is the only way, so in the commons, the next day after finding out his grades, he started a petition at lunch to see if others would like to join the protest. 70% of the senior class never came back to school after the petitions started. Domer finds himself to be a king and a ringleader that has started all this.
For an entire week, the school’s Boat and up to 20 classes had barely any 17 and 18-year-old students. Sadly, Smithy’s mom took his phone away after a week of not attending his classes, so after a large and harsh amount of thirty minutes without his phone, he chose to come back to AHS. Domer Smithy still sees himself as a legend, because even though he needed to come back to AHS, 50% of the seniors at AHS left the school, and after a month since finals, they have yet to return.
“My future is very big. If I can get a bunch of 18 year old students to listen to my uneducated self, then I have big things to come, other than playing CHEL, and sitting on couches,” said Smithy.
Because of Smithy’s actions, he has now become a part of a nationwide change in HS Seniors, which will change generation Z’s understanding and how other people in the world see that generation. Now in recent events, worldwide schools are losing students by the hundreds. Smithy is obviously to be the most successful senior at AHS. Big things are to come.
Bo Melton is a sophomore at Aspen High School. This is Bo's first year as a staff writer. In Bo's free time he plays hockey and enjoys spending time with...