One Big Skier Family
The AHS football field on the night of August 26, 2022, during the home match against Gunnison.
Look out, Skiers! A spirit overflow is coming down on Aspen High School this 2022-2023 school year. There are higher student turnouts to pep rallies, football games, and other school supported events. Skier spirit is up at AHS, and co-head leaders Alex Schlosser and Peter de Wetter are making it a priority to ensure it’s here to stay.
Many students have noticed this positive change at AHS and the example Schlosser and de Wetter are setting. These two student leaders have stepped it up by encouraging the student section to get hyped up while cheering on the athletes during games, making these experiences more engaging for everyone.
Areysi Galvan, a sophomore at AHS, is on the volleyball team and has observed a shift in liveliness this year.
“There has been an increase in school spirit and I think it is because of Alex and Peter. They are always leading the student section and they are one of the main reasons that students show up to sporting events, with the energy they have. I think that school spirit provides a sense of unity and inclusivity to our school,” explained Galvan.
Many Aspen students have noticed the contagious energy that both Schlosser and de Wetter bring to our school environment. They encourage others to be excited about supporting friends and other students participating in activities such as choir, dance, sports, theater, and more. Both co-head leaders are hoping they will be able to communicate to students that encouraging and supporting their peers is the new norm here at AHS through the changes they are making.
“Peter and I, got down the one assembly per month during set time and I think this helps increase the school spirit aspect and create excitement for the events that are all happening. Some other things that I think have been helping, have been the communication lunches when members from student senate gather information from students on what they think is and is not working,” Schlosser said. “I feel like the connection and the opinions of the student body are being represented better than years before, which is important.”
Schlosser and de Wetter feel strongly about advocating for the importance of supporting fellow students and our community through every opportunity possible.
“We really want to get a good turnout to all events whether it be choir, band, or football. No matter what it is, we want to show up for each other and this is one of the big components that is creating this positive school spirit,” de Wetter said.
School spirit creates a sense of unity within our school and upholds positive, personal connections between students and our facility.
Schlosser concluded, “The school feels more inclusive and everyone understands that we’re all one big skier family.” Let’s keep it up Skiers!

Rylee is a senior at Aspen High School and one of the Sports/News editors. This is her second year writing for the Skier Scribbler and she has appreciated...

Addy is a senior at AHS and has been on the Skier Scribbler for two years. She has always had a passion for writing and enjoys using journalism as an outlet...