Rate the HOCO Proposals

On October 15th, Aspen High School hosted its traditional Homecoming dance in the commons for all students, as a reconnective back-to-school event. Homecoming is a highly anticipated season for high schools across the country. Here at AHS, students from all grade levels eagerly await the liveliness that this busy week has in store. The sporting events, the dance, and small things like forming a spirit day outfit play into this Homecoming excitement.
In anticipation of HOCO week, proposals entice many students to attend. This tradition usually consists of a method, such as a sign, involving a unique rhyme or inside joke, convincing one’s friend or significant other to accompany them to the dance. One might wonder, ‘why is it so special to be asked to Homecoming?’ This question has various answers. It could be the public component of being asked in front of your peers or the genuine aspect of enjoying someone’s company. Regardless of the reasons, homecoming has the ability to be a leisurely time for any student.
Gracie Brown, a junior at AHS, was promproposed to following her participation in a home volleyball game against Basalt. Alex Schlosser, AHS Senior, asked her with a sign using a volleyball pun. The sign read, “Gracie, I really DIG you! Homecoming? Let’s SET this up!” Brown rated his creativity and individuality a 10/10.

“It was clever how he used my sport to ask me…it cheered me up, considering it was after a volleyball game we lost,” Brown said.
Later in the week, Junior Brooke O’Sullivan was asked by Junior Lars Earl in front of the student section at the home football game against Rifle. His sign said, “I thought I would shoot my shot for HOCO, Hope I don’t brick.” Notably, he included a unique nickname to their relationship, which led O’Sullivan to rate the ask a 10/10 overall.
A student from G.V.H.S. , asked Skier Scribbler writer, Addy Christensen to be her plus one to AHS’s Homecoming. He proposed to her in front of the Aspen Fire Station with a sign that read, “Will you be the queen of my heart this HOCO?”
She admired the efforts but explained, “I never said yes, but he implied it.” She ended up turning down his offer afterward to go with her friends. She rated her enjoyment of public attention a -1/10. “Usually I like public attention, but this was awkward because I didn’t feel the same way towards him. It was in front of a whole restaurant which also felt uncomfortable,” Christensen said.
Senior Wyatt Eaton, asked Tessa Guilander, Junior, by shaving the body hair on his chest to spell out, “HOCO?” Guilander applauded the uniqueness of his proposal and rated it a 10/10.

She explained, “It was funny how many people came up to me and said it was the best part of their day.”
Homecoming at AHS holds an individual value to both students and the facility. Regardless of the proposal or who you might go with, this occasion has a way of unifying our student community and setting a great start to the 2022-2023 school year.

Rylee is a senior at Aspen High School and one of the Sports/News editors. This is her second year writing for the Skier Scribbler and she has appreciated...