Middle School News
Train Tracks on Teeth
Middle school is that time of your life where you go in for monthly orthodontist appointments and pick colors for your braces that most exemplify your personality. 7th grader Jessica Frank is one of the many students in her class that struts metal on their teeth.
“My favorite color is blue, but you probably already know that by the color of my braces. My mom told me that I’m the only one that can really pull off braces, I like to think she’s right,” Frank said. It has recently been reported that 8th grader Loren Shaw has rainbow braces. She is considered the coolest girl in school because of this.
Sixth Grader Stacey Lane is a Shark
After talking to several sixth graders at Walona Middle School, it would appear the most popular girl in school is Stacey Lane. Witnesses say she has four boyfriends, a monogramed Nintendo DS, 526 instagram followers, and 133 likes on her profile picture. Classmate Lindsay Johnson told me how she sees herself compared to Lane.
“Today I’m wearing socks with pom poms which I regret because if Stacey Lane sees me wearing these, there is no way she will let me sit with her at lunch,” Johnson said.
Another classmate reports that Stacey Lane wears bras, has already gotten her period and had her first kiss. Everyone in Walano Middle School wants to be this girl dressed in Uggs, Lululemon leggings, a juicy jacket, and a pink sparkly backpack. Who can blame them?
New Firefly 3 Excites Middle Schoolers
The Firefly phone is a nice, well-developed, glossy piece of plastic that lets you call 2 numbers. This is popular among middle schoolers. They are able to input their mom and their dad’s numbers. Although this phone doesn’t provide the entertainment an IPhone does, it is very effective. The new Firefly 3 has just been released and middle school parents are raving over this new piece of technology that now lets you call three numbers! Rachel Flores is just one of the very few people who actually uses this piece of crap.
“70% of my class has an IPhone. While I watch them all take selfies while holding up peace signs I try to hide the envy on my face. When I told my mom I needed an upgrade she told me I could get the Fire Fly 3. Great! Now I can program 3 numbers! My mom’s, my dad’s, and my home phone. The possibility for communication is endless,” Flores expressed.
Boys and Crushes
As you peak in middle school, that is your time to begin exploring romantically. It’s recommended as a middle schooler, to have more than one boyfriend to experiment. Zoe Thompson shared her 6th grade love life with me.
“My love life is treating me quite well. I have two boyfriends: Tommy Lee and Joey Young. I switch off between the two. I tend to hang with Tommy on Wednesday through Friday because those are the days Joey’s mom packs him tuna for lunch (I am not a fan),” Thompson said.
Witnesses have reported that Tommy Lee got Thompson mini hotdog dangling earrings for their two day anniversary while Joey Young made her a tuna fish salad. It’s time Thompson reevaluate her boyfriends and their taste in gifts.
Lunchroom Madness
After a day of shadowing a middle schooler at Winston Churchhill Middle School, My assistant reported the lunchroom cliques to me.
“It’s like something you would see in a movie, the popular girls sit by the fountain, the geeks sit by the trash, and the skaters are usually M.I.A,” Assistant Mark Lambert said.
One of the losers who sits by the trashcan who wishes to remain anonymous said that sitting by the trash could be quite convenient when it comes to the accessibility to throwing away your trash.
I Can Hear You Whispering About Me
Being a middle school girl is hardest when you aren’t the coolest. The popular girls will shun anyone lower than them. Being shoved in lockers and tripped in the hallways is expected on a daily basis. One of these victims is Julia Knight.
“I try to convince myself that them tripping me in the hallway is just them playing around. It’s harder to ignore the times they lock me in my locker and laugh (lucky for me, I have air fresheners),” Knight said.
Girls who are being picked on are trying to have the cafeteria sell them shirts after the popular girls spill their milk on them. The real solution to this problem, however is to make everyone the coolest girl in school so no one is tripped.

Jordan is the Editor in Chief of the online Skier Scribbler and a returning staff member of the Skier Scribbler. Jordan moved to Aspen just two years...