Journalism Students Demand Payment
Journalism Students protest because of the lack of acknowledgement for their newspaper, The Skier Scribbler.
“We want pay to write about your day!” Senior Matthew Sovich yelled as he led the journalism class in protest.
Recently the AHS journalism class has been boycotting the paper due to no payment for their articles. In the past three months, there has been no Skier Scribbler and the community is completely uninformed of all the recent hard news. Kelly Shevel has been waiting at her doorstep every Wednesday praying for a student newspaper inserted in her Aspen Times.
“We just can’t live without it anymore,” Shevel said.
Students have been keeping a record of each word they type so they can bill AHS when they get arthritis in their fingers in years to come.
“That is not the worst of our problems,” Karbank said. “I’m tired too.”
The rate of teachers with urgent news about the cool things they do at the school has reached an all time high and more than ever, teachers are badgering students into writing articles about them.
“Listen, we can’t admire everybody’s achievements. Sovich said. We call these or ‘pat on your back stories’ and no, we will not pat your back for free.”
Audrey Sichel knows that if you want to hear the good stuff, you better be willing to compensate. Contact her at [email protected]