Walking through the halls of Aspen High School, they seem to have shrunken from their once intimidating and vast facade. The classrooms, which once held remote material and people, are now navigable. The cafe is a regular stop on the way to class, and you have successfully filled the shoes of the scary upperclassman. Freshmen orientation turned into a senior week itinerary, and all of a sudden, you find yourself finished with the final assignment. In the coming weeks, you’ll have attended your last pep assembly and high school sporting event. Soon every shuffle across the gymnasium bleachers hollering, “red, red, red, red, black, black, black, black,” will turn into a shuffle across the graduation stage. In looking back upon these experiences, here are a few lessons to take away.
The opportunities to learn and grow are endless
Though many times you couldn’t wait to be done with school and the dreadful assignments seemed to pile up, there was always an invaluable opportunity waiting to be revealed. Sure, you may not need to know how to calculate the cosine of an angle in your future career or have to specifically memorize the authorial choices of Macbeth, but, there is something behind the monotonous work that is discreetly shaping our perspectives of hard work and promotion of discovery. Soon many seniors will be in college, the workforce, or embarking on life’s unexpected adventures. Through it all, the realization that challenges do occur and solutions to problems can be found will hit. Throughout high school, it was not necessarily the ‘answer’ we were discovering but rather the process to get there which has shaped our perception and thoughtful engagement to create a solution. So, take the time to focus on what is placed before you and pursue that solution, because ultimately an invaluable development will be made.
Appreciate and attempt to understand others
Mentors, students, teachers, counselors, and strangers will surround your everyday experience and shape your character in every area of life. This has been evident within each one of our high school careers. As we continue to meet new people as we leave Aspen, we will also continue to be encouraged, challenged, taught, and informed in new ways. It is important to display compassion toward one another, knowing that we carry different perspectives and backgrounds. Together, each one of us has the ability to collaborate and learn. At AHS, outdoor education and Ex Ed have been an example of this collaboration with various grade levels and characters, placed together to create immensely impactful experiences. At this school specifically, the opportunity to backpack, raft, canoe, bike, surf, scuba dive, explore cities, and experience adventures is something that has been both impactful in the large scheme of the high school experience, as well as the knowledge of one’s community. What we can take away is that when given the chance to step out of our comfort zone, meet unknown people, and create new relationships, take it.
Make the most out of life’s challenges
Our classes at Aspen High School have displayed immense resilience. With COVID and the adaptation to an in-person learning environment, difficulty was experienced yet we were able to overcome it and develop a greater understanding of how to take on change and adapt. Not only within the pandemic but also within life’s unexpected challenges. We must understand that things may not always go the way we expect, yet we maintain the opportunity to learn from our past experiences and pursue the ability to shift our perspectives in utilizing change for good.
Take on new experiences and make time for fun
Though academics are a substantial portion of the high school experience, some of the biggest lessons are to be learned through intrinsic and experiential learning. It is so important to prioritize your education but I have learned that it can be equally beneficial to make time for alternate activities. Whether this means joining clubs, going on a hike with your friends, going out for a movie, or putting aside homework to spend time with your family, these activities are crucial in creating a deeper sense of self and closeness to community. This community is important within the scope of both support as well as overall wellbeing. So even when the work may seem overwhelming, always make time to support your future by deliberately creating time for family, friends, self-care, and your values. It is important to pursue your goals, but also crucially important to leave space for rest in the form of time with loved ones, engaging in meaningful experiences, and physical/mental relaxation.
Key Takeaway
Writing articles through the outlet of the Skier Scribbler for the past two years has been an eye opening experience. I have developed knowledge as to how I connect with my community through news, opinion, satirical, and various forms of writing. Through it all, I have realized that at the end of the day, I hope to make a positive impact on my community whether it be through simply informing an individual or shifting the way they view a topic.
Whether a writer, an athlete, a mathematician, an artist, or any person with an aspiration, I believe each one of us maintains an influence that is meant to positively impact an area(s) of one another’s lives. So, take these lessons for what you will and continue to strive to become the best version of yourself. Life is awaiting so many opportunities based upon some of what you do but more importantly who you are and are to become.
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About the Contributor

Rylee Smith, News and Sports Editor
Rylee is a senior at Aspen High School and one of the Sports/News editors. This is her second year writing for the Skier Scribbler and she has appreciated the new lens of leadership which has helped her to grow in her own writing. In her free time, Rylee is spending time outside, basking in the sun during the summer, flying through the slopes during winter, and watching the sunsets in the evening. Moving forward, she looks forward to growing her faith in the Lord and spending time with her family/friends.