The student news site of Aspen High School


The student news site of Aspen High School


The student news site of Aspen High School


Unbalanced Boys to Girls Ratio Spring Sports

Maddie McAllister

During the spring sports season at Aspen High School, the ratio of boys to girls sports that are available is unbalanced. This unbalance is also seen during the AHS fall sports season. The choice to make the availability of sports equal in terms of gender through the different sports seasons is not available for the school to make. CHSAA created the current setup of the fall, winter, and spring seasons and as a result, there is a heavier emphasis on girls’ spring sports in comparison to others. On the official CHSAA website, there is a list of the spring sports and it is apparent that there are more girls sports being offered. This issue has been brought to attention by many schools but finding a solution that fills all satisfaction is not an easy task.

John Castrese, the athletic director at Aspen High School since 2021, has input about the makeup of the spring sports season.

“We continue to engage in discussions and explore potential avenues for achieving greater balance for all sports. There are complexities involved in addressing this imbalance and the challenges associated with making changes to the current structure. While there may not be an immediate solution that suits every school’s needs, I’m hopeful that with continued dialogue and collaboration, we can work towards a more equitable distribution of spring sports opportunities. It’s important that all students have access to a diverse range of athletic activities that cater to their interests and abilities,” Castrese signed.

The AHS athletic director was additionally asked about how the imbalance affects the ability to participate in sports throughout the year and therefore how team size is affected.

“It does have an impact on the current distribution of spring sports on team sizes and opportunities for female student-athletes. It has become apparent that if some of the spring sports were offered in the fall instead, it could potentially alleviate some of these challenges. By redistributing the scheduling of certain sports across different seasons, we could create more opportunities for female student-athletes to participate in a wider range of sports, thereby increasing team sizes and fostering greater inclusivity within our athletic programs. Making such changes would require careful consideration and coordination, but I believe it’s always worth exploring for the betterment of our sports community. By reevaluating the scheduling of spring sports and exploring alternative arrangements, we can create a more equitable and inclusive environment that benefits all student-athletes,” Castrese signed

There is talk about changing the distribution of sports but it will be difficult, Castrese says “I’m incredibly proud of the dedication and effort displayed by all of our spring sports teams. They’re representing our school with pride and sportsmanship, and I have no doubt that they’ll continue to achieve great things as the season unfolds.”

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About the Contributors
Araya Thompson
Araya Thompson, Staff Writer
Araya is a junior at AHS. She enjoys covering athletics as well as competing in track and basketball. Araya is passionate about accessibility for all athletes. Outside of school, she enjoys visiting Owl Creek Ranch and riding her mules.
Maddie McAllister
Maddie McAllister, Head Photographer
Maddie McAllister is a senior at Aspen High School. This is her 4th year in journalism and is the head photographer for The Skier Scribbler. Maddie's role as head photographer came from her passion for capturing a beautiful moment. In her free time, Maddie loves to play tennis and ski.

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