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The student news site of Aspen High School


The student news site of Aspen High School


Unraveling the TikTok Ban

Mounting concerns over its ownership and security, TikTok is facing a trial that could determine its fate. Created by ByteDance in 2016, TikTok quickly gained popularity, becoming one of the most used social media apps to this day. However, TikTok has not been flying under the radar: for years, politicians have been speculating about the security of the popular Chinese-owned social media app and now the platform is under trial for the ban of TikTok.

This bill is giving ByteDance a choice to either: sell TikTok to an American-based company
TikTok will be banned in the United States

Due to the amount of concern regarding U.S. data privacy and security, this ban is now official. A trial assessing this issue began in March of 2024 and the bill in question has since been passed by the House of Representatives, the Senate, and now Joe Biden, himself. Biden officially signed the law of the National Security Package on April 24th. Biden believes this ban” will make the United States a safer place,” and “let us continue having world leadership.”

“It’s gonna make America safer, it’s gonna make the world safer, and it continues America’s leadership in the world and everyone knows it,” Biden said.

Now that this ban is official, ByteDance is being given 270 days to either sell the app to an American company, otherwise, the app will be completely banned in the US. Within months given for the sale to occur, the earliest this would happen is January 19, 2025. Even then, the next president would have the opportunity to extend the time by three months if it seemed as if there was progression towards a sale. Say TikTok does get officially banned in January of 2025, this would mean TikTok would be removed from all U.S app stores; restricting new downloads and interacting with content.

CEO of TikTok, Shou Chew, posted a response on the app.

“Rest assured; we aren’t going anywhere”, said Chew. “We are confident, and we will keep fighting for your rights in the courts.” Chew believes this law is unconstitutional and he expects to win the case.

The CEO has faith that TikTok won’t be banned due to the legal actions he and his company are taking. Another point Chew makes is that there are 170 million Americans who “find community and connection on all platforms,” on TikTok.

Not only do 170 million Americans use the app consistently, but many of them make a living off of the social media platform. Devona Stimpson, a content creator with only 33,200 followers on TikTok, makes videos coaching viewers on how to make up to $7,000 a month just by using the app.

This potential ban will leave a massive impact on not only people who make a living off of TikTok but also normal content creators and users as well. TikTok provides a safe space for creativity, new communities, self-expression, and the potential leave of the appwill completely disintegrate all these connections.

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