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The student news site of Aspen High School


The student news site of Aspen High School


AHS Track and Field Team Sprints Ahead This Spring Sports Season

Eleanor Carroll
Freshman Avila Jennings and junior Julia Diaz run their way to the finish line on Aspen’s home track.

The 2024 spring sports season at Aspen High School has come to an end with seven spring sports teams participating in a large assortment of games and events.

The track and field team has one of the largest spring sports rosters this year with over 40 athletes participating. Track and field is a diverse sport with a large variety of events athletes can participate in such as long-distance running, sprints, throwing, high jump, and more.

Senior Mino Khan-Farooqi runs a multitude of events including the high jump and 400m. She has been running track for all four years of high school and will continue to run at Bowdoin College in Maine.

“I just fell in love with the sport and knew I needed it to be part of my life. I also felt like the group of people who do track was a great community who I wanted to continue to work with,” Khan-Farooqi said.

One of Khan-Farooqi’s favorite parts about track is the social environment and the physical and leadership skills she has developed through running track. She loves the sport and is excited to see where it will take her in the future.

“It has definitely improved my physical fitness more than I could have imagined and has made me fall in love with running in a way I didn’t think was possible. The environment just really facilitated growth and the coaches bring out the best in everyone,” Khan-Farooqi said.

Kiffor Berg is the head coach of the AHS track and field team and has been coaching since 2013. He has seen significant growth in athletes all throughout the season and is looking forward to continuing to coach in the future.

“I love coaching. It’s super fulfilling to help someone work towards and achieve their goals, to be a part of that, and to see the success that comes from it. There are so many different levels of success that, we can have little success each week throughout the whole season. That’s the motivation,” Berg said.

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