H20 Club Surfs into Indonesia
The H20 Club members pose with one of the water filters they helped install in Indonesia.
With a mission in mind, nine students from Aspen and three chaperones traveled to Indonesia for seventeen days last summer. Their mission was to use money they raised in AHS’s H2O club to put water filters in towns with good surf. While they were there, they visited two clinics, eight schools, and four villages. In total they distributed forty filters
“Distributing the filters to one of the clinics made me feel like we were truly making difference. Before we visited, the clinic was using dirty water to clean their scalpels, wounds and tools. Now they will be able to use our filters to filter their water and provide clean water to their patients,” H2O Club co-founder Stella Kaplan said.
Kaplan said the most important thing she took away from her seventeen day adventure was that a little bit of effort can make a huge impact.
“It was not hard to bring a few filters with us on our trip yet it is going to save so many lives and truly benefit them for the better,” Kaplan said.
Although the group did a lot of volunteering in Indonesia, they were also able to fit in some time to explore and experience the beautiful place. The group surfed and snorkeled in the ocean and relaxed on the beach. They were able to visit many of the famous surf spots the area had to offer. They also visited a few cultural landmarks along the way, such as temples.
The H20 club first came to AHS last year. Junior Stella Kaplan and her brother Eli decided to start the club after they got back from a family trip to Nicaragua. While there, they worked with Rob Muchado, a professional surfer who started raising money for filters while he was in high school. Because Hurley sponsors Muchado, they said they would provide merchandise for him to sell in support of the cause. He asked the Kaplans if they would start a club at AHS, and that’s how the club began. They organized the trip to Indonesia for club members who showed commitment to the cause by showing up to meetings and helping fundraise to buy filters to bring with them on the trip.
Junior Madi Cheo loved being able to play volleyball with the locals every night because she felt like she was able to experience the way they live. She also loved being able to help the locals in providing good cleaning water for them.
“My favorite part was when we were in the Kupang airport and three teachers from one of the schools we went to visit came and asked to buy more filters. That’s when I knew we truly were making a difference,” junior Zoe Starensier said.

Kim is a senior at AHS, and current design editor for the Skier Scribbler.