Krabloonik’s New Owners Are Dog Friendly

Photo Courtesy-Ericka Lopez

The Krabloonik dogs are off!

The new owners of Krabloonik Kennels want to bring their 10 years of dogsledding experience to a Snowmass Village business that is looking for a fresh start.

Owner Dan MacEachen is selling the dogsledding company to Danny and Gina Phillips, whose daughter Ericka Lopez, is a sophomore at AHS. The Phillips family has managed Krabloonik for the last year. Krabloonik was started in 1976.

MacEachen is accused of abusing the dogs in the kennel, a charge he has denied. On Dec. 1, the Snowmass Village Town approved the sale of the company. They were involved because the town owns the land where the dogsledding is run.

Lopez has grown up around dogs her entire life. The family is excited for Krabloonik to have a new beginning.

“Our dogs range from puppies to yearlings to about 14 years old. It’s a lot of work and very expensive but very little glamour,” she said. “But we love the dogs more than anything and that’s all the glamour we need.”

Lopez also that that the breed of Alaskan huskies the use at Krabloonik is about 1,000 years old and can run up to 40 miles per hour. They are a mixed breed of working dogs from huskies to trapping dogs. At Krabloonik, a musher controls a team of up to 10 dogs on the Snowmass backcountry trails.

For more information, contact Krabloonik Kennels at (970) 923-3953.