Teacher’s Advice for College Decisions
Sarah Ward and Bill Boyd- English Sarah- “You have four years to experience something. So go somewhere that you want to experience. You can move to a city after college.” Bill- “Go to the place you want to live.”
On May 1st students from around the world will be committing to universities and colleges, and among these students will be many AHS seniors. Before the deadline students must decide whether to follow the money, follow the prestige, follow their family, or create their unique path.
In an effort to help these students make a decision, I asked some AHS teachers, “What is one piece of advice you would give students trying to choose which college to attend?”

April Baumgartner- World Languages
“Well, first of all, I don’t think you should go very far away from your mom and dad. But, choose the school that fits your personality best and has the program that you are passionate about.”

“Go somewhere that you can afford; go somewhere that fits you.”

Gretchen Calhoun- Social Studies
“I would say consider the college’s geography, because chances are you are going to end up spending the rest of your life there. So make sure it’s somewhere that you might think about laying down roots. And if it is really, really far away from home, I don’t know. That might be a problem.”

Sarah Benson- Science
“My advice would be to go where YOU want to go not where other people think you should go and make sure that you enjoy where you will be living. Four plus years is a long time to live in a place you hate.”

Jessica Tyler is Editor-in-Chief of the AHS Paper, the Skier Scribbler. Jessica will be graduating with the class of 2015 as an anticipated IB Diploma...