Pitch Perfect 2 Strikes the Right Note

A musical comedy that’s perfect for summer movie going, Pitch Perfect 2, opened nationwide on May 15, and is currently playing to packed theaters in Aspen.
Pitch Perfect 2 focuses on a capella musical group who come together and express their emotions through singing. To college students, music is there after school sport. Different people who may be considered outcasts overcome issues like shyness, negative body image and sexual identity through their association with this group.
In this sequel to the popular 2012 movie Pitch Perfect, these Barden University students return to face their fears and pour their hearts into the lyrics and songs they produce. They compete against other cleverly named a Capella groups, including the Treblemakers, while they try and win an international competition.
Rebel Wilson is hysterical as Fat Amy in the film’s opening scene. Amy’s wardrobe malfunctions, embarrassing her in front of the entire student body.as well as the President and First Lady Michele Obama, who just happen to be a part of the audience. The Barden Bellas’ goal throughout the film seems to be to move past this disastrous early performance and prove them to the world in the international competition.
The cast is strong, including Beca, who is played by Anna Kendrick. She is the leader of the Bellas. Also notable is Emily, played by Hailee Steinfeld), who arrives at Barden with some serious baggage; her mom was also a Bella back in the day. This provides a good plot twist for when the Bellas finally compete in the most important event of their career.
Also making guest appearances in the film are Snoop Dog and in a completely unexpected role, the Green Bay Packers football team.
The movie’s main theme is entered around friendship but the a capella performances tend to outshine this message. While the movie is about friendship as much as anything, the plot of Pitch Perfect 2 sometimes seems to come second to the a capella performances, which are excellent. Appealing to all ages, Viewers should instead tune in to the beautiful music making and the laugh-out-loud scenes of the summer comedy, Pitch Perfect 2.

Madison Osberger-Low is a senior at AHS and the Sports Editor for the Skier Scribbler. This is her fourth year writing for the paper and she hopes to...