New Year, New Librarian, New Ideas
Seniors take advantage of the “Senior Corner,” a privilege of the new library layout
As the times are changing, the aesthetic of the AHS Library is as well. The AHS administration and the new librarian, Jennifer Cook, have big plans for the library this year. Some of those ideas include becoming more technologically advanced, making the book checkout process more fluent, and change the format of the library.
We have room to improve on the technology of the library. According to Cook, the libraries of the Glenwood School District are what we want to aim for a substantially more technically advanced library “It’s [AHS Library] surprisingly a little less technologically advanced as I’m used to but we’ll get there,” said Cook who previously worked at the Glenwood Elementary School Library.
Cook stated that she prefers electronic books rather than traditional books; however, research shows that most people still enjoy reading books in print more than on a device. For the people who would rather have a book on a screen, the library allows the option to download the book onto your computer for free. The books are available online in the catalog which Cook plans on updating along with other aspects of the library. She has thought about having Kindles or Nooks available for loan.
“I would definitely consider putting it in the budget and making it available for students who would like to,” Cook said.
Cook wants students to be able to check out their own books in order to make the process easier. She would also like to get rid of the card system because it is “unnecessary,” if the students are checking their own books out. Also, there will be no charge for any missing books, Cook will just continue to send reminders about returning the checked out book and if you need more time, you can let her know and she’ll renew your checkout session.
As for the layout of the library, the superintendent and assistant superintendent of Aspen School District asked to have the shelves turned perpendicular so there is a better view of the windows which Cook agrees is a great idea. On the sides of the shelves there will be more signs “(…) to direct people to the different subject areas that they’re interested in, in the nonfiction section,” Cook said. She would also like to “genere-fy” the fiction section so that if a student is looking for a specific genre, there will be a designated area that they can easily browse.
In the back corner there is a new section that is referred to as the “Senior Corner” that is now considered a privilege for the upperclassmen.
“I talked to the superintendent (…) about the possibility of getting glass walls and a locking door installed back there so we could make it more of a student conference area that students and teachers could reserve as needed,” Cook said, “(…) this was just a temporary solution to get us moving in that direction.”
Cook is looking to work with and advise teachers on how to use the library resources more with their classes. She plans on giving advice to the teachers on ways to expand their projects and incorporate technology into them.
The updates will continue to be carried out during the school year if they have yet to be accomplished already.

Zoe is a senior at AHS and is the Co-Editor-in-Chief for the Skier Scribbler. In her free time, she enjoys playing with her dogs, reading, and relaxing...