A Different Way to Spring Clean

The healthy selection of food at the AHS cafe
“Spring cleaning” is a common concept where people decide to get out with the old and in with the new. For most people, the first thought that comes to mind is literally cleaning: your closet, house, or anything else. If you are anything like me, this sounds like the least appealing way to spend your time. This would cause stress, anxiety and plain out boredom for me. With that, I found a different way to spring clean that doesn’t involve any sponges, trash bags, or trips to the thrift store, but involves a fresh mind and healthier body.
This spring, take the time to get fit, eat healthy, and be stress free as school work starts up again. I have been experimenting with this strategy to be mentally and physically healthy while still keeping up school. I know it sounds difficult, but you can put your own spin on my tips and daily routine ideas to fit your own schedule.
Turning Organic
To really commit to everything and make your busy life easier when preparing meals, you’re going to have to switch some stuff out of your house for things that are a better fit for your new lifestyle. Organic is always better. With that, buy all whole foods and make sure they are all GMO free. There is usually a healthier, organic version of your favorite foods. It’ll be good to get most items at once so you will be prepared to cook any meal. This will make your switch to eating healthy easy and simple while still having time to do homework.
Eating Healthy
Believe me when I say, I know it is difficult to start eating the “right” way. We all may be motivated mentally, but it is very difficult to actually follow through. Eating only greens and giving up most of your favorite foods is not what is necessarily involved in changing your diet. Everything is in moderation. I like to use the 80/20 method. For anyone who has not heard of this mechanism: 80% of the time you eat as healthy as you can and 20% of the time you can splurge. No juice cleanse needed here. I follow through with this by planning my meals to include fruits and veggies, whole grains, and protein. For example, I may have a green smoothie for breakfast, a sandwich with whole wheat bread for lunch, and grilled fish for dinner.
Working Out
It can be challenging for anyone to push themselves past the extent they thought they could, especially while juggling school, but you can start easy. From hiking to dancing, there are many different forms of exercise that you can experiment with to see what you enjoy the most and what fits best into your schedule.
Exercise that you would expect to get the least out of can actually be more beneficial than you think. If you’re not the type of person to go jogging or do crunches in the morning, there is always an alternative. Hiking is great for you endurance. You can start with easier trails and build up to more difficult ones. It’s nice to bring your dog with you to have company. Yoga is also very effective for not just your body but your mind. Also, there’s always gym class which of course doesn’t conflict with school, but is school.
Through these tips, spring and school can be as easy as pie… you just won’t be eating any. There really is a new way to spring clean, and you’re gonna love it!

Zoe is a senior at AHS and is the Co-Editor-in-Chief for the Skier Scribbler. In her free time, she enjoys playing with her dogs, reading, and relaxing...