Ariana Grande’s Focus
From Broadway, to television, then a singing career, Ariana Grande has made it big time in the world of entertainment. With five albums released, she has a sixth coming our way. Moonlight, will be her sixth album. On Friday, October 30, 2015 at 12:06 am EST, her single, “Focus”, for her sixth album was released. This song is now number sixteen on Billboard, but does she deserve this title?
With a music video that she is awkwardly dancing in, gray hair that doesn’t suit her, and weird costumes and design, I don’t see why she would be in the top 100 Billboard list, let alone the top 20. The video has had over 130 million views since October 29. There are many more “likes” on it than “dislikes”. I think that everyone should drift their mouse pads over to the thumbs down button.
Not only is the music video bad, but the song is obnoxious, repetitive, and annoying. She repeatedly says “focus on me,” but I think she gets plenty attention. The song also sounds almost exactly the same as “Problem”, her single from her last album My Everything. The two songs have the same beat. Maybe she thought everyone would be oblivious to it, but she can’t trick us. It’s unfair for her to make more money on a “new” song when it’s practically the same as her last big hit.
I like Ariana Grande, I just think that she could do a lot better than this. Rumor has it, the rest of her album is nothing like this song. I am excited to hear it. Hopefully it is better than “Focus”.

Zoe is a senior at AHS and is the Co-Editor-in-Chief for the Skier Scribbler. In her free time, she enjoys playing with her dogs, reading, and relaxing...