Goodnight Moon or Goodnight Students?

AHS student is already up in the air flying high.
ASPEN– On March 10, AHS staff and alumni finally signed off on the first-ever Space Shuttle to the moon. The expedition will be on Saturday, April 1, just in time to paint the shuttle with a new logo, “Get high or fly straight to the moon.”
This year, moon exploration will finally be an after school program offering a varsity letter, but that’s not guaranteed if the shuttle doesn’t make it back in one piece. Sophomore Layla Williams said that she is determined and honored to be in the moon exploration club and that she is fired up about this expedition.
“I have been working extremely hard everyday after school with coach Lune and he said I am totally ready to embark on this expedition,” Williams said. “I am hoping for a varsity letter so that I can show it off to the dozens of people, including my mom’s obsession, Neil Armstrong .”
This 2017-2018 school year, coach Lune predicts that the five students who were chosen for this experience would make 10 long loops around the moon and come back with something more than just consciousness.
Assistant manager of the Leg Fork believes that this should have been done centuries ago. He shed a light on how much it costs, but said it is worth it in the end. If there is an end.
“Even though it’s over $100 million for the space equipment, I really believe this a great chance for parents to send their kids away for an entire three years,” Fork said. “I truly feel that it has a great impact on their futures. I can relate that my kids have done the program and rarely come back or come back the same kid.”

Madison Osberger-Low is a senior at AHS and the Sports Editor for the Skier Scribbler. This is her fourth year writing for the paper and she hopes to...