Cooking Pros
Over history, cooking has been pin pointed as a task for the women of the house. To be honest, my family has followed that stereotype. My has mom made dinner for my dad and the kids of the house almost every night for as long as I can remember. However, I defied these mother cooking stereotypes and have started cooking meals for my family to enjoy, and I have learned that it’s enjoyable for me as well.
Through peace finally brought to my mind, the opportunity to be proud of something I’ve done, giving my parents a break, and giving myself a break, I have realized that cooking for my family has not only sufficiently benefited them, but me as well.
After a long day of school, finally finishing my homework, and going to ballet for two hours, I figure I deserve a break. The way I bring peace to myself is through the joys of cooking. Whipping up a quick yet good meal while listening to jazz brings me to a relaxed state, one I don’t get with anything else.
Not only do I get a break from all the stress in my life by cooking for my family, I also have something to be proud of. Before my eyes is a beautifully set table, my loving family, and the food that I made with my own hands all by myself. It feels nice to provide for the family in some way and to give them a meal to savor.
My parents sitting there at the dinner table are always appreciative and relieved that they don’t have to be the ones dealing with dinner for once. They come home from work, and their kid has set a plate of food before them that they actually enjoyed creating. It’s a win, win situation.
I also have recipes locked in my brain once I have cooked them. Maybe not the specific amounts of each ingredients, but general information such as orders of mixing ingredients or what to cut and saute. This helps me for future situations like helping out with the cooking for a dinner party or being able to easily whip up the recipe another time.
Cooking has brought peace to my home. My family is happy, I am happy, the house smells good, and it’s good practice. I can only wish that creating meals for your family brings as much benefits as it does mine.

Zoe is a senior at AHS and is the Co-Editor-in-Chief for the Skier Scribbler. In her free time, she enjoys playing with her dogs, reading, and relaxing...