AHS Baseball Team Hits It Out of the Park

Courtesy of David Fuentes

The AHS baseball team poses for a team picture on Crawford Field in El Jebel.

The AHS baseball team is having a great season so far with eight wins and two losses.

The field that they have been using is the Crawford Field in El Jebel and this has presented a slight challenge for the team. That hasn’t stopped the baseball team from practicing every day after school and having a great season.

Jamison Fuentes, the captain of the baseball team, is a senior in high school and has been playing baseball throughout his high school career and will continue to play at Adam’s State University

“We’re performing really well, a lot of the younger kids have really stepped up into their roles,” Fuentes said. “We’re a very experienced team, but we need a lot of the young guys to step up and they’re doing a great job.”

The younger boys playing on the team are the future of the baseball team, so them stepping up this season has really contributed to the team’s success.

David Fuentes, the head coach and father of Jamison Fuentes, has been coaching the baseball team for four years.

Practices are fun but focused,” Fuentes said. “We use our practices to work on hitting and fielding and really try to stay on task”.

In terms of their progress so far, the AHS baseball team has been doing an outstanding job, with eight wins and two losses (and nine games left to go in the season).

Joseph Dzeidzic, one of the coaches of the baseball team, is very proud of how they have performed, too.

Dzeidzic said “There are some games where we’ve played really well and had a strong win, but also some close ones, which is an area of growth where our players can learn to fight through those games and understand that they’re a good team”.