AHS boys golf team comes home as state champs

Photo courtesy of Austin Colbert/The Aspen Times
From the left, AHS boys golf team players Colter Zwieg, Jack Pevny, Dawson Holmes, Jack Hughes and Dominic Lanese take home a championship win for the Skiers October 1-2
BOULDER–– The boys stepped onto the green. It was a bit wet, but nothing they hadn’t dealt with before. Less than a month ago the AHS boys golf team faced the regional championship’s rolling hills and won, carrying on their streak of ten years. After coming in second in state championships last year, and winning regionals again this year, the team anticipated this year’s big win.
AHS senior Dawson Holmes came into this year feeling confident in the team’s abilities and the likelihood of winning boys golf state championship, which was held at Boulder Country Club on October 1-2.
“All season long we won [tournaments] by so much,” Holmes said. “[State Championships] weren’t something we completely prepared for…We just kind of did our thing and it ended up being enough.”
The boy’s golf team did do enough–– enough to come home as state champions. The year was highly anticipated for reasons beyond the state championships.
“We knew for a long time that this year would be special because we would have a lot of talent,” Holmes said.
The talent Holmes referred to is of two returning AHS boys golf team players, senior Jack Hughs and junior Jack Pevny. The two boys spent the past year playing golf at Bishop’s Gate Golf Academy, a boarding school for junior golfers in Central Lake County, Florida. They brought their talent to AHS’s boy’s golf team, Pevny finishing fourth at states and Hughs finishing in second.
“It was amazing to bring home Aspen’s first state championship for golf,” Hughs said.

Zoe is a senior at AHS and is the Co-Editor-in-Chief for the Skier Scribbler. In her free time, she enjoys playing with her dogs, reading, and relaxing...