School Wide Cellular Connection
A student studies vigorously as a result of the new phone policy.
SATIRE — The latest policy of “no phones in school” has received positive feedback from staff and students. The Aspen School District has recently enforced a new regulation preventing the use of all cellular devices in any class.
Teachers, especially language specialists, have reported zero uses of devices. Shmoey Shmiedzic, a Spanish teacher at AHS, was quick to note the sudden change of action in the students after the rule was arranged.
“It was amazing! No kids whatsoever were on their phones during class. Each and every one of them was asking interactive questions and speaking in the fluent language. I’m really so impressed,” Shmiedzic said.
Another teacher at AHS, Tam Tam Wil Wil, teaches one of the most distracted classes – history.
“Before the rule was in place, kids were on their phones constantly! I was throwing notes, tests, and projects at them but every time they still seemed to find a way to get on their devices,” Wil Wil said. “After the policy was put in, a light went off in each students head! I can’t believe how productive they’ve been since!”
Many parents, teachers, and administrators thought the reaction of the students would be completely negative, but they discovered astonishing responses.
A senior, Patty Young, was pleased with the new rule and feels it has created new learning dynamics for her.
“I was so happy to hear the school was acting on the matter. So many people were getting distracted in class so this really helped keep us all focused. Everybody has done a really good job of participating as well,” Young said.
Another student, Devonte Lee, was ecstatic to share his views as he has lifting grades because of it.
“I feel like I can actually learn again! I‘ve been so distracted with everything else, but now I am always on task. Last week, I finally understood what Shrob was saying in math class,” Lee said.
Though the student’s reactions were a surprise, the newest policy has given AHS a positive spin as students, parents, teachers, and administrators have a new opportunity to connect.