Nestle: the world’s most corrupt corporation

Courtesy of the War On Want Organization
Cover from the booklet “The Baby Killers”, published by the War On Want organization to raise awareness about the damaged caused by baby formula companies.
With unethical business practices such as taking clean drinking water in areas that sorely need it, participating in human trafficking and child labor, and exploiting uneducated mothers in third world countries, Nestle is quite possibly one of the world’s most corrupt corporations.
Nestle is the world’s largest food and drink corporation. The company was established in 1886 when Henri Nestle developed a groundbreaking baby food formula. It later merged with an Anglo-Swiss condensed milk business and formed what is now known as the Nestle Group. They began producing a wide variety of products and became a globally involved business.
As the company expanded, so did their money-hungry stomachs. According to the National Public Radio, Nestle has been pumping out 200 gallons worth of freshwater out of Michigan-water that the people of Flint desperately need. The Flint Michigan crisis has killed 12 people and hospitalized 87. Children are losing their hair, developing skin lesions, and going blind just from bathing. The community has no access to fresh water because Governor Rick Snyder switched the city’s water supply from one of Michigan’s most pristine water sources to the noxious and harmful Flint River in an attempt to save money. While the citizens of Flint live in a constant state of disarray, worrying about how to survive, Nestle has been making a profit.
Not only does Nestle take water from a city in a full-blown water crisis, but they also sell it to third world countries who don’t have access to clean drinking water, for astronomical prices. According to Nestle Pure life, they sell their water for 2 dollars a bottle. To Americans that may seem like no big deal, but in a third world country where people only make a few cents a day, it’s everything. Nestle persuaded the World’s Water Council to change drinking water to a need rather than a right. If water were a right, then it would have to be supplied freely, but since it’s a need, water companies can sell it for as much as they want and make an enormous profit.
One of Nestle’s primary sources of income is their chocolate. The Cocoa industry is known for its unethical practices in child labor and human tracking. Nestle is no exception to the horrors of this industry. In 2005 the International Labor Rights Fund filed a lawsuit against Nestle and other similar companies. Allegedly, three Malian Children were trafficked to Côte d’Ivoire and forced to work on a cocoa plantation with many other trafficked children. The case went on for many years; the courts argued over whether or not corporations should be held liable for international law violations. In 2010, the US district court determined that corporations should not be held accountable, which has since been appealed, and Nestle was not held responsible for the abuse and suffering of these children. The Fair Labor Association reported that Nestle was fully aware of the child labor and did little to stop it.
Along with water, Nestle sells baby formula. Buying up companies such as Gerber and Pfizer makes the cooperation control nearly the entire world’s production of baby formula. With aggressive marketing tactics to uneducated mothers and giving out free samples of their product, Nestle has made families reliant on their baby formula.
The company heavily advertises its formula to be the nearest thing to breastfeeding. They suggest that mothers start weaning their baby off of breastmilk at six months, claiming that it can make the baby anemic if not done. The World Health Organization advises otherwise, recommending that the mother solely breastfeeds for six months and then continue breastfeeding combined with solid foods for up to two years or however long the baby desires. Most women in third world countries lack the education to know that the information Nestle advertises is false, and they fall into this trap.
Not only does the cooperation market false information to create a dependency on their formula, but according to a report by the International Baby Food Action Network (or IBFAN), Nestle provides hospitals with free baby formula for a week. Sounds charitable, right? However, looking more in-depth into the implications of this, one can see that it’s nothing but a malevolent marketing strategy. When a mother stops breastfeeding, it takes a few days to a week for her milk to dry up and the hormones to go back to normal. So by the time the formula runs out, so does a mother’s milk, and they have no choice but to buy more formula.
As stated previously, Nestle dominates the water market and marks up their prices immensely. This creates a massive issue for mothers in these third world countries. The baby formula has to mix with water. Nestle has two products that are reliant on one another, which creates a horrendous situation. Many families cannot afford both the formal and clean drinking water because most make only a few cents a day. Not wanting their baby to die, people are left with no other choice, but to mix the formula with polluted water.
Furthermore, families try to make the formula last as long as possible and dilute it. Babies are essentially drinking unsanitary water with a pinch of nutrition. As a result of this, many of these countries’ infant and mortality rates have gone up.
Nestles is the classic case of perception versus reality. Though they seek to put out a polished image, one look into their business practices reveals their filthy and disgusting underside.
L ~ Jan 12, 2023 at 1:10 pm
This article is very good. All of the information you have raised is supported by other sources too and it is very enlightening. Awesome job
Justin ~ Dec 27, 2020 at 7:53 pm
You really could benefit from having someone else read and help edit your article prior to hitting the publish button. There are numerous typos, including misspelled words. People need to know about the atrocities committed by global corporations but you need the credibility of a properly edited article as well as legitimate sources and this has the potential to go viral and really change some things.
Andrew ~ Jul 1, 2020 at 1:49 pm
Good writeup, however an article like this direly needs sources. You will not change anyone’s mind with pure opinion. There’s no way to tell if what you’re claiming is true. You have the Ethos and the Pathos, now you need Logos.
Liv Parker ~ Jun 23, 2020 at 12:19 pm
The Nestle `baby `milk scandal was far worse than you write.
Nestle gave out free formula to mothers of ne borns, most of whom could not read the instructions regarding sterilisation. they took their babies home to homes without clan water or facilities to bottle feed, they were also unable afford to buy the amount of baby formual needed for the following 6 months so waterd down the bottles with filthy water.
These women were unable to lactate enough or at all due to Nestle colluding with hospital to give out free samples before they had even attempted to breastfeed.. Many babies died of bacterial infections with out ever being breast fed. Please read up about this scandal because it is far worse than mothers giving up breastfeeding at 6 months.
Victor Palmer ~ May 10, 2020 at 2:15 am
What’s wrong with Nestle?
With unethical business practices such as taking clean drinking water in areas that sorely need it, participating in human trafficking and child labor, and exploiting uneducated mothers in third world countries, Nestle is quite possibly one of the world’s most corrupt corporations.Apr 24, 2019.”
What you said about the Nestle is true. You are also describing the activities and actions of most multinational corporations all over the world. We all live in a world today that is operated by gangsters and criminals. All that matters is glory, fun harming others, and material comfort at the demise of non-white people.
gayle ash ~ May 7, 2020 at 11:57 am
The writer of the article is making statements that appear as fact even though she’s wrong. Gov. Snyder didn’t begin the campaign to switch the water from Detroit (cleanest) to using the Flint River, (most polluted.) The Mayor of Flint wanted the switch. *^* I agree that Nestle had the opportunity to help the people of Flint, however, they decided to turn the other way. *^* Also, I still do not understand the Nestle’s Coffee Mate nutritional label regarding sugar content. I’m diabetic, and even online, it’s difficult to get a clear understanding regarding Coffee Mate and diabetes. I believe it’s deliberately confusing. Corn syrup is sugar, yes? *^* Respectfully, -Gayle
Preston Collier ~ Apr 10, 2020 at 12:37 am
Thank you for telling the truth about Nestle Corp. I appreciate your stand for TRUTH. Thank you
Dennis Walthers ~ Mar 16, 2020 at 11:29 pm
This article reads like a personal opinion from a jaded consumer that is not backed up by any factual information rather than a true article written as an unbiased editorial.
Sarah Ward ~ Mar 31, 2020 at 6:27 pm
Thank you for the feedback. Please take note that the article is classified as Opinion, and should not be mistaken as news.