Skimo Skier George Beck

Photo Courtesy of OIS photos

George Beck skinning up in the latest skimo Youth Olympic Race in Switzerland, on team USA.

Skimo; a combination of skinning and skiing. Some may say it sounds physically brutal or crazy but not all. George Beck, a junior at AHS finds it rewarding. George started skiing at the young age of three. Wanting to challenge himself more he added skins, starting skimo at age ten, not knowing that seven years later his hard work would pay off by competing in the Youth Olympic race.
As well as being a student George Beck manages to still train every day. Inviting locals or friends to train alongside him. Caden Klien a Junior at AHS and fellow skimo racer trains with George. The love for skimo has brought the two to become great friends.

“George and I typically train two times a week together. Typically doing intervals and a long session each week.” Klien said.

The long days training doesn’t always mean they will be put to the test as a team. These friends have been able to push each other along the journey.

“We have competed as a team together three times but more frequently we race against each other,” Klien said.

The perseverance George has shown doesn’t go unshown. Although physically exhausting the result is worth it because of the many awards he has won.

“Last year I won the National Cup overall last year in addition to multiple national championship podiums,” Beck said.

The progress George has made is seen by many such as Connor Gagen a friend and classmate to George.

“The two of us have skied since 4th grade. But he has become super fast and hard to keep up with.” Gagen said.

George put his strengths to the test in the Youth Olympic Races in Switzerland. Although, being in Switzerland he continued to have the support from his friends and family back in Aspen cheering him on.

This was no little race he was racing against some of the best skimo racers from around the world on January 10th, 13th, and 14th. “They were my first Youth Olympic Races. Team USA places 6th in relay and I was a part of that team.” Beck said.

This was only the start though as George hopes to be in the 2026 Olympic games held in Italian cities of Milan and Cortina d’Ampezzo.

“Skimo won’t be an Olympic sport till 2026, so I’m going to keep trying till then,” Beck said.