AHS Film Making

Photo courtesy of Matthias Breiter

Jacob Kadpta filming with National Geographic photographer and bear biologist Matthias Breiter.

Aspen High School has given students the opportunity to get behind the camera and shoot short films by creating an AHS film club.  Students now have the chance to not just enjoy watching movies but are actually given the support to learn how to create and produce their very own films.

The subject and production possibilities of the movies that film club will be creating are endless and chosen by club members themselves.  Members are offered the support to create many different genre films from horror films that give you nightmares for weeks, to laugh out loud comedy films that will make you pee your pants from laughing so hard. This club opens the door to people who are interested in film and gives them the opportunity to use their creativity and skills to produce a variety of fascinating movies.

The club has a solid foundation, with passionate and experienced leaders including teacher Chris Wheatley, and seniors CJ Beymer, and Jake Floria.

“I first became interested in film when I was twelve and made a few shortstop motion lego animations.  I love and enjoy making videos and I wanted to give other people the chance to experience what I am so passionate about,” Beymer said.

“I have always enjoyed making films and it has always been a passion of mine,” Floria said.

AHS teacher, Chris Wheatley has taken the responsibility as leader of the club and he has been to many amazing film festivals and watched countless impressive films. He is also involved in the annual Aspen Film Festival.

You can have your chance to be an Aspen local yet Hollywood movie-making star! The Aspen High School Film Club meets on Wednesdays at 3:30pm.  During the meetings, they will be discussing short film topics, and then filming the movies.

It is apparent, however, that some outsiders feel that the film club and its schedule is not flawless.

“When I heard there was a film club in AHS I was ecstatic because I love film. However, I am not joining the film club because of their meeting time on Wednesday at 3:30.  This makes it inconvenient because I would have to come back to the school after already leaving for early release,” said junior Jordan Cramer.

With fourteen kids total in the film club Beymer and Floria have high hopes for the year.  The ultimate goal for the film club is to complete a few videos and get 10,000 views on YouTube by the end of the year.

“We hope to create some awesome films that grasp viewer’s attention and we just want to have fun with it,” Floria said.