The new superintendent
The Board of Education at the Aspen School District has been searching for a new superintendent to begin in August 2020. In December they hired a national firm called Hazard Young, and Attea to help guarantee the right decision is made for the Aspen School District.
The firm gathered information from the people in our community that the superintendent will serve and interact with. The final decision will be announced by April 6th, 2020.
Susan Marolt, president of the board of education, has been witnessing this thorough process firsthand.
“They did personal interviews, focus groups, and an online survey. They talked with community members, parents, students, and staff members. They also talked with and interviewed all the board members. They then came up with a leadership profile which basically goes through what type of things we’re looking for in a superintendent and it’s personalized for our community, Marlot said.It’s a long process but I think it’s really exciting and it’s great to be involving all of these people to make sure we are getting a representation of what people want.”
When creating a leadership profile there were many specific characteristics that the community wanted to see the new superintendent possess in order to best serve Aspen School District.
“One of the most prevalent characteristics is high Academic standards. We want them to work on achieving and maintaining high academic standards for our school district. We also want them to create a positive, professional climate of trust among our staff and the community. Trust was a big part of it. They also want the new superintendent to be inclusive and collaborative,” Marlot said.
One of the largest duties of the superintendent is recruiting and maintaining staff.
“They make all the decisions in the district that have to do with any of the staff. They hire all the leadership positions of the staff. So the superintendent would hire the principal and then the principal would hire their staff at each school,” Marolt said.
The happiness of staff members with the decision is extremely important to the community and the Board of Education.
When asked how potential issues the staff might have with the new superintendent will be addressed Marolt said, “One of the other characteristics that we’re looking for in a super intenetendent is someone that asks for feedback, so we’re hoping that this person will have such a good relationship with staff members that he or she will ask for feedback and then change things accordingly…but the board holds office hours so that staff members also have an opportunity to talk with board members about how they’re feeling about what’s going on in the district.”
The decision is being made with a lot of thought and effort because of the large impact that the superintendent has on the district.
“No matter what the superintendent really sets the tone for the whole district. So in looking from someone who creates a positive atmosphere with trust and respect among all of the faculty were hoping that how it feels. That it feels like someplace where that’s a happy, safe, professional place to work. Also that they feel respected and inspired by somebody who has a great vision for our district,” said Marlot.

Lily Citron is a senior at Aspen High School. This is her third year participating in Skier TV, and she loves being part of the team In her free...