Winter activities in Aspen: the alternative to skiing
Photo courtesy of Gracie Peacock
A great skiing alternative, the Snowmass light exhibition at night. Located adjacent to the Skittles gondola on Snowmass mountain.
Aspen holds its place as one of the most popular ski resorts in the US. But contrary to popular belief, not all locals enjoy skiing during the winter months. Some even opt for different snowy or non-snowy activities to keep themselves occupied.
With countless activities available around town to occupy yourself after a big snowstorm, non-skiers can enjoy many activity driven days. With everyone on the mountain skiing, one can have these Aspen adventures all to themselves.
Nadia Debska, an AHS Junior, tried skiing at a young age but soon became less fond of the sport. Instead, Debska has found new ways to enjoy Aspen with her family in the winter without being on the chair lifts every weekend.
“I used to ski but the older I got, the more I grew out of it. I’d rather go to the ARC and sled with my family on the weekend. It’s much more exciting and I feel like my siblings and I can definitely interact more and be closer when sledding rather than skiing,” Debska said.
Gracie Peacock, an Aspen native currently attending Holderness Boarding School in New Hampshire, comes to Aspen during her winter break to visit with friends and enjoy the weather. Although Peacock doesn’t ski, her short period of time in town is not wasted. She enjoys the views from the top of the mountains, but prefers more relaxed winter activities to skiing.
“This year I went to the Snowmass light exhibit near the Skittles gondola. It was really sick and my friends and I had a really good time. It didn’t take up my whole day and it was layed back which I liked… I would definitely say stuff like that is a good option for people who don’t wanna ski,” said Peacock.
AHS Junior, Tigist Peshek, prefers staying warm during the cold winter months and doing indoor activities with her friends and family. Peshek believes staying inside on a snowy day can be just as good as first tracks on a powder day.
“I normally do like to ski sometimes, but when I don’t want to go with my family I like to go to my friends houses to watch movies and make snacks. Being inside when it is snowy outside is so cozy and I love it,” Peshek said, “I think another thing I like to do is go to the Limelight hotel and go to the hot tubs there. I guess staying warm is easier to do with other activities rather than skiing,”

Jenny Ellis is a Senior at AHS. She is in her third year as a writer for the Skier Scribbler and first year as an EIC. She likes to ski, play soccer, skateboard,...