Despite Last Year’s Warnings, Ski Day Lives On
Photo created by Blake Zilberman
AHS skier transposed in front of AHS.
Last March, students were looking forward to a fun day of skiing. The administration had set a target attendance of 80% for the event to continue the following year. Unfortunately, attendance was only about 50% according to Itsel Zuniga, AHS Attendance Secretary. Therefore, as the attendance mark was not met, many students were disappointed that there would be no ski day the following year. However, ski day will continue for the 2022/23 school year, only with a higher attendance target of 90%.
On a typical school day such as February 14, the school’s attendance was 93% according to Itsel Zuniga. Given that the 90% attendance target is just slightly below the typical daily attendance, but nearly double ski day’s attendance from last year, this begs the question if the administration even wants the event to continue next year. Or if they set the attendance target aiming for this to be the last year of ski day?
The decision to continue ski day stems from the Student Senate. The administration realizes the importance of ski day, so they were able to strike a compromise with the student council. Tameira Wilson, who spearheads both ski day and the Student Senate said that the continuation of ski day was,
“100% due to the efforts of Student Senate,” Wilson said, “They [Student Senate] were able to sell Sarah [Strassburger] on the idea to give them [the student body] one more year to try to get the attendance up,” She then continued to explain that, “Whether or not ski day continues next year is passed off to the student body.”
The school is also going to hold a Powder-Puff Volleyball game on ski day to further try to encourage students to participate.
Even if the aggressive 90% target is not hit, it is still important for students to attend ski day to show the school’s administration that the event is worth keeping and continuing into the future given that high student attendance will allow the event to continue onwards, showing that students are committed to school events and are willing to make an effort to keep them going.