The student news site of Aspen High School


The student news site of Aspen High School


The student news site of Aspen High School


Spring into Spring: Awakening of Life in Aspen

As the snow starts to melt, we begin to see some small green leaves burst out in color.
Here we can see a beautiful orange sunset shining against these snow-melted tall and green pine trees.


As the snow starts to melt, we begin to see some small green leaves burst out in color.


Here we see the slush and the dirt of end-of-the-season spring conditions in Snowmass Colorado.


Flying over, we see the tops of the Rocky Mountains covered in a blanket of snow while It seems to be melting below the tree line.
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About the Contributor
Maddie McAllister
Maddie McAllister, Head Photographer
Maddie McAllister is a senior at Aspen High School. This is her 4th year in journalism and is the head photographer for The Skier Scribbler. Maddie's role as head photographer came from her passion for capturing a beautiful moment. In her free time, Maddie loves to play tennis and ski.

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