
“I have not been able to avoid the memories resurfacing. I have felt sick in the pit of my stomach. I have felt such a flare of rage that the experience I recount below was not a unique incident with me, but rather a part of a sinister pattern of behavior,” Actress and avid feminist, Lupita Nyong’o, told the New York Times.

Previously silenced women have been utilizing social media to speak out against sexual harassment and assault. #METOO has been posted online by millions of women who are uniting to encourage self-advocacy to help unshelve the pain felt by sexual assault victims that a comprehensive number of women remain under. The now-viral words, “Me too” were first used in a societal manner by activist, Alyssa Milano. Her purpose was to “give people a sense of the magnitude of the problem.” These two simple words have gained enough traction in the media to give victims the confidence to be heard as a part of not just a campaign, but a movement. Whether they have shared their stories in full detail, or only a few words of it, awareness has been raised. The topic of sexual assault has come to sizable attention after the recent movie mogul, Harvey Weinstein scandal surfaced. Some of the most influential women in Hollywood kept silent about their gruesome experiences with Weinstein to avoid jeopardizing their careers as actresses at the time. Some of the largest female actors in Hollywood are what inspired the movement after speaking out about the Weinstein scandal. Men in powerful positions have been getting away with taking advantage of women for decades. This scenario has shamefully become so common. It is time that women no longer have to bare with discomfort in the workspace, and can demand respect without any sacrifice.

Being objectified can feel limiting. Victims can easily be made to feel that they are living in a man’s world and that they cannot change that. The man that represents the US as President is notorious for sexual assault, yet remains in office. The President of the United States is a position that should be held by a positive role model. Every child is inevitably exposed to the character of their President. A man that has admittedly sexually assaulted women and then silenced them with money and fear is in the greatest leadership position in America, a figure that is made to be looked up to and idolized by the citizens. What kind of example is that to others who strive to be as successful as the president, or other man in a power position? One that continues the pattern of horrific behavior. Victims using their voice is the first step of a mountainous movement. Women feeling comfortable enough to speak out without risking anything is the only way to make progress. #MeToo is giving them the liberation that they need to end this common cycle.