Stress Reduction at AHS

As the student body at AHS readily jumps back into the mandatory struggle of the dreaded school year, a tide of panic and stress is seemingly on the rise. Students showing signs of confusion and bafflement can be seen around every corner of the building while teachers urgently attempt to calm down their classrooms. As a gift from veteran homework completers and the most insightful teachers to all of the new and improving students at AHS, the Skier Scribbler would be honored to present you with the inside scoop of the very best studying strategies.

Nick Mitchell, a Senior and IB Diploma candidate at AHS, confidently claims, “This isn’t my first rodeo! I know about all of the secret tips and tricks when it comes to balancing school with all of your other activities.”

As Mitchell dives into the upcoming soccer season head first, he happily shares a trick up his sleeve that has apparently “never failed”. “The best thing that a new student at AHS can possibly do is to befriend as many of your teachers as possible,” Mitchell said. “The closer that you can become with your teaching and coaching staff, the more stressless your schooling career will become.”

As one of the larger goals at Aspen High becomes attending the college of your dreams, many could argue that it would be beneficial to ask the students who were successful at exactly that. Finn Allen, former AHS student, and a freshman at Boston College is one of many students who says that it is important to “work smarter, not harder”. Allen was also an IB Diploma recipient who fell amongst the top percentages of his class.

“It is very important that you take advantage of the time that is given to you at a school as rigorous as AHS is,” Allen claimed.

“When you have a free period or even a couple of minutes off to the side, be as productive as you possibly can so that the rest of your day becomes easier.”

As the authentic values of the student body are often valued at AHS, a completely different factor tends to present itself in this type of predicament\; the teachers. Many students would find themselves in disagreement because of the misconception that they are the “destroyers of all things fun”, but teachers like Megan Noonan claim that they are actually here to make the process as easy as possible, while still being able to learn the fundamentals of education.

“I have found that the most successful students are the ones that typically do their own fair share of work. If you are able to put in a little bit of time towards your struggles every day, they will no longer be considered struggles in due time,” Noonan said. “I wish only the best for all of my hardworking students at this school.”