Two Years of Art


Junior Sari Behr walks through the show.

White lights shine down on all of the pieces. Drawings, photographs, paintings, and sculptures are meticulously framed and hung, each student striving to put their best works into a larger body of art.

The annual IB Art Show has once again opened its doors. Every year IB Art students put on the show to exhibit all of the work they have created throughout the past two years. Working continuously through both junior and senior year, students have a experimented with a wide variety of materials, styles of work, and mediums. The show is a time for them to display everything they have created.

“What’s interesting about this years group of seniors is that they are all very individual. They all have their own style, so no show looks similar” said AHS IB Art teacher Stephanie Nixon.

While students are allowed to choose whatever pieces they want to exhibit, there are some criteria that they are graded on. First, students are graded on the cohesiveness of their art; how well do all of their pieces work together to create something bigger. Students are also graded on their technical skills; how well have the pieces turned out, and what are their abilities. Finally they are graded on concept; what is the idea behind all of their art, and what does it mean to them.

“It was pretty much up to you how you wanted to set up your pieces on your board, but you were being graded on how cohesive your exhibition was as a whole. This was interesting because you had to mold your pieces into something bigger that you didn’t know existed before” said AHS senior Dolores Sharaf.

This year’s show is completely different than any in its past. First, some of the students were able to utilize the spaces on the walls for the first time; some shows are completely displayed against them. Another new aspect of the show this year is all of the different media. Never before have there been so many variations of media, and there are even some new techniques such as digital art and a painting on wood.

“I think the show turned out great. Everyone’s pieces looked really good and the whole show worked really well together. There was a lot of diversity which made for a pretty neat display all around” said AHS senior David Mondry.

The show will be open only for a week. After having its opening night on Tuesday April 12, it will close its doors at midnight on Friday April 15. Head down to The Black Box Theater in Aspen High School to look at this year’s IB Art Show.