Truth in Politics: Congressman George Santos
Artwork on “America’s Universal Truths”
Congressman George Santos was sworn in as a member of the 118th Congress on January 7th, representing the third congressional district of New York. The United States is built off a foundation of “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness,” as declared in the Declaration of Independence, truth was also a major theme of our nation’s founding. However, Congressman Santos is an enlightening example of how corruption and mistruth have infiltrated the government. Republican Congresswoman Nancy Mace of South Carolina reported that “nothing” that the New York City Republican has said is true, according to an interview with the Independent.
Santos is currently being investigated for his background, credentials, as well as allegations concerning his campaign finances. The Congressman has made claims about his ties to the Holocaust, declaring that he is a descendant of survivors, and later correcting this notion by asserting he is “Jew-ish” rather than Jewish. Additionally, his college graduation status has been questioned, as Santos claims to have been on a volleyball scholarship for Branch College, yet no evidence supporting this assertion has come to light. He has also claimed that his mother was working in the World Trade Center on 9/11, however, records state that she was actually abroad. Congressman Santos is also being investigated for allegedly raising money for a veterinarian’s service dog, and then using the money raised for his own personal funds.
According to NBC News, federal prosecutors have reported, “Nothing he has ever said has turned out to be true,” while investigating irregularities in Congressman Santos’ loans and financial disclosures.
However, it seems that Mr. Santos himself is enjoying the attention he’s receiving from media outlets. He has reportedly left out food such as doughnuts and Chick-Fil-A for reporters stalking his office, and has even been spotted taking selfies with reporters at D.C. restaurant Hill Country BBQ.
As stated by CNN in an interview with Santos’ alleged ex-boyfriend, Pedro Vilarva, Vilarva comments that he is not surprised that Santos secured a seat in Congress.
‘“What he always looked for was fame and power,” Vilarva explains, “That’s all he cared about and he got it.”’
Although Mr. Santos has failed to provide commentary to the majority of these accusations, he has admitted to “embellishing” his resume according to The New York Times. However, the newly-elected Congressman urges people to stay away from his personal life, stating that these accusations are merely distractions and the focus should be on delivering results.
As Santos said in his website press release, “Now is the time to put political differences aside, stop the finger pointing, and start delivering results. The work of Congress is not about my personal life, this is about delivering results for my constituents, finding bipartisan solutions, and reversing abysmal policies that have caused some of the worst inflation and crime in our nation’s history.”
Nonetheless, some congress members, such as Republican Congresswoman Nancy Mace, argue that Santos has committed voter fraud, and should resign, as he was elected on false pretenses. Others continue to support the New York Representative such as House Speaker Kevin McCarthy.
Santos is also the Nation’s first openly-gay republican congressman, and currently holds positions in both the House Science, Space and Technology Committee, and the House Small Business Committee. According to CNN, Santos’ attorney Joseph Murray believes that the allegations against Santos are rooted in the Democratic Party’s fear of Santos’s power.
“Santos represents the kind of progress that the Left is so threatened by — a gay, Latino, immigrant and Republican who won a Biden district in overwhelming fashion by showing everyday voters that there is a better option than the broken promises and failed policies of the Democratic Party,” states Murray in the interview.
Only time will tell what impact Congressman George Santos will have on the United States, but one thing is certain: politics is modernizing and as our country continues to divide, universal truth becomes few and far between.

Océane Jones is an Editor-In-Chief of The Skier Scribbler. As an AHS senior, this is her third year on The Skier Scribbler In her free time, Océane enjoys...