Does new floating schedule ‘float’ your boat?

Kaelyn Kroeger

Photo of the new Floating Bell Schedule for the 2019-2020 school year.

After a series of deliberations with regards to the implementation of a new schedule, the modified agenda was passed and has been officially enforced at AHS.

The schedule itself is a floating bell schedule. This means that with consistent 1-hour classes throughout the week, there are 4 periods (7th, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th) that float, meaning they get replaced by 7th period.

A two week trial of the Bell Schedule took place last school year. After the trial, students were given a survey to express their opinion on the controversial topic. The new schedule passed,
Jennifer Morandi-Benson, a history teacher at AHS, voted for the new schedule last year and likes the consistency.

“I like the length of 60 minutes; I think 50 is far too short and 95 is too long,” Morandi-Benson said.

With a massive shift for students, it is only natural that backlash will occur. Immediate rejection of the schedule took place before the trial had even run, students are still uneasy, and it will take time to grow accustomed to.

Robert Sanderson is in the percentage of students that met the new schedule with vigilance and voted against it after the two-week trial last year.

“I really disliked it, I thought it was kinda stupid how only one class changed every day,” Sanderson said.

Despite what attentive students may think, there are additional benefits to the new schedule. It’s profitable for student-athletes who miss the last period frequently, and there is also a uniform meeting time.

Junior Olivia Plummer plays softball for the AHS Girls Softball team and enjoys the recent schedule change.

“I really enjoyed the new schedule trial, I thought it was a lot better than having the block schedule, Plummer said. I think that once [the team] starts leaving more, it’ll be harder to catch up on some of my classes.” Plummer said.

The elimination of block days is also an improvement that the new schedule allows for. Most students dreaded coming to class for 95 minutes on Wednesday and Thursday.

“I still find its kind of stupid, but its kind of nice also because we don’t have any block days,” Sanderson said. “I’ll probably learn to like it, it’s just getting used to the schedule.”