New Skier Scribble Editors
As the school game comes to an end, the Skier Scribbler is starting a new beginning. Every year before May the members of the paper can apply for an editor position for the following school year. Staff Writers can apply for Arts and Entertainment, Opinion, News, and Sports editors. These positions allow for the members to further their learning, and help the publishing process. In order to secure your position, you must fill out an application and record your strengths and goals for the upcoming year. Teacher Sarah Ward reviews the submissions and fills the positions. The Skier Scribbler is proud to announce that we have seven new and hardworking editors. The whole Skier Scribbler team is excited about the new leadership roles.
Elsa Tullar: Editor in Chief Elsa has been with the Skier Scribbler for a year. Elsa is similar to the Elsa in Frozen… magic. She can elaborate and use creativity to produce a top-tier article. She took on the leadership role because she felt as if she was ready for a challenge. Elsa is approachable and ready to produce new and exciting issues this upcoming school year.
Editor in Chief Stella has been with the Skier Scribbler since her freshman year. She was the Arts and Entertainment editor this school year. Iverson gets the job done, even though her computer is always dead. is always ready to help and wishes she was Sarah’s third child (don’t we all?). Stella is excited about her new position and has high hopes for the incoming issues.
Quintessa Frish: Editor in Chief: Quintessa is the first ever junior to be an Editor in Chief. This is both impressive and speaks to her character. She is always ready to work and take on any challenge. Quintessa is silent but deadly (not in a bad way of course). She is quiet about her talents and time management but always carries the weight of the paper
Olivia Cook: Arts & Entertainment and Opinion Editor: i joined journalism this semester after leaving the dark side (broadcast). Olivia is full of opinions so it is good for her to see other opinions. Cook is excited to play a leadership role and grow as a writer and an editor. As one says “Let em’ cook”
Gia Galindo Bartley: Arts & Entertainment and Opinion editor: Gia is perfect for this leadership position because she is approachable and has many article ideas. She has a passion for journalism and wants to inspire others to do the same. Galindo Bartley constantly writes these genres and is excited to edit them throughout the upcoming cycles.
Rylee Smith: News and Sports editor: This is Rylee’s first year with the paper, and the paper could not be any more grateful. Aside from her amazing writing, her smile and laughter brighten our whole workspace. Rylee is full of good news and sports ideas. Smith continues to excel in her writing performance and can help the staff writer, write half as well as her hopefully.
Addy Christensen: News and Sports Editor: Addy is passionate about writing, and the paper is lucky to have her as an editor. Addy never fails to cover sports and other important topics within our community. She constantly is trying to better the paper and complete any tasks no one else will pick up. Christensen is going to be a superb editor, and a great leader to the people around her. The paper can not wait for all your help!
Lauren Kinney: Social Media Editor: This will be Lauren’s (my) second year taking over Instagram. Lauren aspires to make the Instagram page textile and active like an Instagram influencer. She has set new goals for next year to constantly post, and have daily takeover by peers and other people within the district. She is excited to be back (since she doesn’t not like change!)
Congratulations to everyone who is going to be a leader on the 2023-2024 paper! The Skier Scribbler will cultivate change with all of your creativity and intelligence. Looking forward to the next year with the new team!

Lauren Kinney is a senior at AHS. In her free time, she plays lacrosse and loves spending time outside with friends and family. Lauren...