Cool Kids in Town


Photo Courtesy of Aurora University

Many seniors have some exciting opportunities ahead of them after they toss their caps!

AHS Skier Scribbler here, your one and only source into the (not so) scandalous lives of Aspen’s elite. The summer of 2019 is coming up quickly and this year’s seniors have quite some plans for the future.


Colt Whitley – The legend

A local Nordic prodigy and outdoor enthusiast, Whitley, will be spending his summer working and training.

“Once University starts I will be climbing and biking recreationally at Cal Poly, the school that I will be attending,” Whitley said. “I made this decision because of the quality of life and educational opportunities that Cal Poly provides that are hard to find elsewhere in the country”

Though “just having fun” is high on Whitley’s list he too has big plans for his studies.

“I am looking forward to continuing my education by studying electrical engineering and deepening my understanding of math and physics,” Whitley said.


Clare Mitchell – The Traveler

Mitchell is also in for some very unique adventures filled with travel, backpacking, kayaking, and rock climbing.

“I’ll take a gap year to travel to Patagonia to spend time with an outdoor leadership program,” Clare said. “I’m incredibly excited to explore Patagonia and the natural world.”

After her experience in Patagonia, Clare will be attending Vassar University in New York in 2020.

“I decided that I wanted to take a gap year about two years ago. I’m going into it hoping that I am able to gain some clarity and perspective to help me decide what I want to do during and after college,” Mitchell said.


Henry Morrison – The Hockey Hulk

Morrison is pursuing his talents in hockey by playing on a competitive, non-collegiate team in Missoula, Montana.

“I’m going to go play hockey for an under twenty team as a bridge between my high school hockey and potentially college hockey the year after,”  Morrison said.

He deferred to CU, however, his options for the future are still open.

“I have been wanting to find a way to continue hockey, and so this opportunity came up because a guy I know through Aspen Junior Hockey knows the ownership in Missoula. So he made some calls for me, and I went up there and had a meeting with the coach and from there signed the contract,” Morrison said.

Morrison has now been playing for thirteen years, so he is extremely excited to get to continue his passion.   

“I get to keep playing hockey which is the big thing, it was always the goal,” Morrison said.


Cole Peterson – The Brains

The AHS anticipated valedictorian, Peterson,  will be attending Harvard University in the fall of 2019 to study neurobiology, environmental sciences, public policy, and pre-med.

“I chose Harvard because I knew it would challenge me in many ways. Academically, it has the best neurobiology program in the world and the third best environmental program with incredibly progressive and innovative research opportunities,” Peterson said. “ I also wanted a liberal arts experience, (which Harvard provides) so that I can explore other interests like history and mathematics.”

Though Cole is excited to attend university, similar to the majority of the senior class, other challenges still face him.

“As far as pushing me personally, I know that I will be 2200 miles from home in an entirely new environment, but I am truly excited. Cambridge feels more like a college town than a city so I can still get the best of both worlds in that sense. “

He is immensely grateful for all of the support he has received from his parents, friends, teachers, and school district and he feels well prepared to meet new people and start a new chapter.

“Perhaps one of the biggest reasons I chose Harvard was the people. I hope to learn as much, if not more, from my peers and classmates than from my actual classes. The unique mix of diverse experiences and backgrounds will definitely give me new perspectives and a better worldview,” Petersen said.