Trump respects women


Photo by Gobigred96

Trump repping a pussyhat at one of his most recent press releases.

SATIRE– Following a recent interview with Fake News, has come clean about his respect for women. The White House is now skeptical of Trump’s motives and why it took him so long to admit his love for the female kind. Trump’s previous allegations against him have been dropped, and Trump is now seen as a free man. Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, a representative from New York, is proud of Trump and his newfound love for women.

“It’s truly amazing to see our president changing for the good. He’s always been an amazing man, but his love of women has made me obsessed with him. I can’t wait to see his new policies that promote equality for all. MAGA!” Ocasio-Cortez said.

Ocasio-Cortez isn’t the only one supporting President Trump now. Feel the Bern, a runner for the Democratic nomination, is now dropping out to support the Trump campaign. Trump is ecstatic and will be giving Feel the Bern the opportunity to be running with him for Vice-President.

“I am very excited to announce that I will be running with Trump for the 2020 election. I know that many people are saddened to see me go from the democratic party. But now that Trump respects women, I can’t miss the opportunity to run and win the election.” Feel the Bern said.

Following Feel the Bern’s announcement about running with trump, Trump was seen attending the annual Women’s March in Washington D.C. He was sporting the infamous feline hat, which many supporters have worn while attending the Women’s March. Trump has received zero backlash from the members of the Women’s March. He is now only receiving love and the nation is no longer divided.

“It’s huge. It’s HUGE. And I honestly have to say the Women’s March has gotten so much bigger because of my involvement. I’m very proud to call myself a feminist. It’s just so great. I want China, North Korea, and other countries to see how great women are. This is feminist power!” Trump said.