How Much Does a Polar Bear Weigh? Enough to Break the Ice


Photo by Ryer Gardenswartz

Seniors Lilli Burrows and Ally Lasser’s collaborative sketch of what AHS’s new mascot will look like.

Just imagine a giant polar bear decked out in Skier gear running onto the field, or court, getting the home crowd rowdy. Well now that dream is becoming a reality. Through the long history and the ton of different faces that have come through AHS, there has yet to be an official mascot. Now every school event will be featuring a new mascot filled twist.

After narrowing down many different possible mascot options, Student Senate came up with three mascots that the school would have the chance to vote for. The three final mascot ideas were, a yeti, a moose and of course a polar bear. Student Senate then reached out to seniors Lilli Burrows and Ally Lasser for some help. The two gifted artists drew sketches for the new mascot, that way students could get a visual as they voted for their new mascot. Students could then vote for their favorite mascot idea for $1 at lunch for two weeks. After voting was finally over, the polar bear won in a landslide, beating out the yeti by nearly twenty votes. The money earned through the votes will go toward affording the costume.

Student Senate made it a goal at the beginning of the school year to increase the school spirit at AHS. One of the solutions was to bring an official mascot to the school. They have been planning and working on various details for quite some time now.

“We are getting a mascot because we as Student Senate believe that it’s important to have something to cheer for at games and overall it would provide students with a better atmosphere at games with a mascot,” Charlie Van Allen, sophomore vice president and member of the mascot committee said.

Now that the mascot has been decided and the whole school had the opportunity to vote for their favorite option, Student Senate plans on having auditions to find the perfect person to become AHS’s first official mascot.

“Now that we have counted all of the votes for the mascot we will be ordering the costume and then we will be holding tryouts to find the rowdiest, most fun person to represent our school,” Van Allen said.

People who try out will be put in a certain scenario where they have to get the crowd excited, show off their dance moves, and tell Student Senate why they truly want to become the mascot.

Tryouts to become the first official mascot in school will history will be taking place, Wednesday, December 17th. The auditions will take place directly after school at 2:00pm. Student Senate, would like to get the mascot getting everyone in the stands excited by the middle of the winter sport season. The other big task in order to complete the mascot, is finding the perfect name. Though many have suggested ideas, an official name has not been confirmed.

Lastly, Student Senate needs to purchase the perfect costume to represent our school. After these small steps are taken, AHS will have its very first official mascot in school history.