Improvisational Acting

Putting on a mask and being someone else isn’t easy, especially when acting on impulse. Improvisational acting can give you an opportunity to change who you are, and even if it is for a short period of time it is a fun way to try out many new personalities. Aspen High School has its very own improv group, for high school students to try out acting.

Most might assume acting is easy, and in some cases it is, but in others, it is extremely difficult. Improv is basically spontaneously performing with absolutely zero preparation.  Teenagers would be pretty well developed within this skill because we all know we have lied, to parents, friends, siblings, or anyone else. We have all come up with an excuse on the spot, and gotten away with it, and that’s exactly what improv consists of.

AHS’s improv group meets as frequently as they can to practice and discuss plans. When the group meets, they make posters for the theatre program, they discuss plans for the future and where people want to go with the group, and they act!  Although the improv group is not to large, including 15 people, they have high expectations for their talent.

“Our goal is to improvise until we end up with a play, then once we have created our play, we plan to travel around the state performing it.” Avery Royer said. With multiple people improvising, the group is sure to come up with many interesting ideas for a play, and who knows, this play may end up on Broadway someday!

Since you are able to simply let go and go crazy with whatever comes to mind, improv can be wildly exciting.

“I really enjoy improv because you get to be another person for a while, you can do or be whatever or whoever you want, and the outcome is extremely unpredictable” sophomore Gigi Coghlan said.

The acting world may seem completely foreign to the average person, but everyday life is actually a lot more involved with improv than you may think. AHS’s improv group has a bright future ahead of them, and the unknown future that lies ahead will bring wild unexpected adventures.